Sunday, July 1, 2018


Elder Jensen was hoping to stay in his area for the rest of his mission and his hope came true. He changed companions and his new companion Elder Duarte is from Virginia.  He was sad to see his last one go but seems very excited to spend this last six week with Elder Duarte.  Elder Duarte will go home a month after Cameron.  Cameron's e-mails are short and sweet and he only wrote one group e-mail this month.  He has investigators and when I question him he seems to have progress and hope.  As a mother I am so excited for Cameron to come home but I am also very worried.  Cameron gets very attached and he takes his friendships seriously.  If you are close to Cameron you know that he is genuine and truly loves his relationships.  Don't get me wrong he will tell you when he is angry or disagrees but he is a true, blue, friend and very forgiving.  My heart hurts to think of him having to leave the life he has lived for two years.  It is not so much the place but the people he is leaving behind.  I know that Cameron has grown to LOVE his mission and it is because of the gospel and the people.  I want nothing more than for him to come home and be able to hug him, but I also will be praying for the strength and  courage he will need to make this next step in life.  I love my son so much and I am so proud to be his mother.  He has and always will be an example to me. He has a strong testimony and I have no doubt that whoever gets to spend eternity with him will benefit from his 2 years of service to the gospel and the growing and maturing it has done for him!

June 11, 2018

Hey everyone,

This week was good.  It is the last week of the transfer and I will be staying here for my last transfer with Elder Toma, he is from Virgina.  Elder Duarte will be going to Maceio.  It was a good time with him.  I learned a lot with him and I am thankful for that.  So, yesterday at the start of sacrament I was called to give a talk.  Gotta love the mission.  Ha!Ha!Ha!  I think it went o.k. for not having anything planned.

Monday, May 28, 2018

May 28, 2018

Hey Everyone,

This week was good, just another normal week.  The truckers in Brazil are on strike because the government raised the price of gas so all the truckers parked their semis in the middle of the highways and said they won't leave until the gas goes down.  So, with all this there is no gas at the gas stations.  The city buses have stopped, no food getting to the stores...  So yeah it is crazy!  All  school is cancelled. 

Monday, May 21, 2018

Hey everyone. First, I want to tell all the moms happy mothers day and I hope that you all had a great day! You all deserve it.  The last couple of weeks have been good working and doing divisions with the elders in the zone. It has been fun and a lot of good growing spiritual experiences. 

a zone p day at a cool place.
soccer and sand volleyball
had lunch at a day care center and little joão the little black kid loved me and when I left cried. hahaha
me and duarte helping with a move 
and other fun things

Elder Jensen,
It was so wonderful talk to you on Monday.  I LOVE you so much and can’t wait for you to be HOME!  I am sorry about the computer.  Latisha said they always have better luck on the I-pads than the computers when they have done it in the past.  Chance was excited to talk to you and so was Brock.  Lexie was headed over right when you said goodbye.  She was so upset.  Bott got here not too long after you were gone too.  He is just so happy you said he looked better than ever… ha!
After I was off with you on Sunday the girls and I went to Luke’s Eagle Court of Honor.  I am glad he reached this goal.  Pat Bott was so good to help him along the way.  Dad had a wreck so didn’t make it.  Christopher, Janet, and kids came.  Also, Crystal and Cody.  Mark’s sister and husband came too. Then, I took the girls home and drove to Farr West to meet Janica’s sister.  We had the boys Sunday night until Wednesday night.  Mike (Eric’s brother and new hubby to Janica and dad to kids) rode in a bike race for fallen officers from like Virginia to DC.  Janica and both sides of parents went too.  They were sooo fun to have. Mandy Bingham tended Ollie on Monday, Tuesday dad tended him and took him to preschool, and I took Wednesday off.  Ian and Bennett had school.  We had a wax museum and preschool graduation too. We talk about you all of the time so they talk like they know you.
Saturday we all helped around the house inside and out.  It was a beautiful day and felt so nice.  Annie and her friends didn’t get asked to Purple and White so the new thing is to still go stag.  Which I think is great.  Except all those boys that didn’t get dates went stag too.  Bum heads.  Anyway they had a lot of fun.  They all got ready here and took my car.  Dad and I went to Costa Vida and then met Laura his secretary to get some flowers for the yard.  We came home and the girls were leaving and Bott had arrived. Dad had a DUI shift so got ready and left and Bott did not too long after that. Halle went to Sami’s to hang out. 
Today was a quiet day.  We went to church and dad and I taught our class for the second time.  We like it.  Dad is really awesome in there and stays on topic too.  Sometimes I truly underestimate him.  We have taken treats both times since I am not above bribery.  Those graduating were supposed to go to the singles ward today so the class was smaller. When we got home Elder Mergens showed up at the door.  He is a good kid.  He came back to visit for a missionary reunion.  I guess Remfrey was here and only made it to 10% of those he wanted to visit but will be back in a few months. 
I took my kids on a field trip Friday to Storm Bowling and then Tuesday we go to the Zoo in SLC.  Out of 60 students I had 58 reach benchmark on Dibels.  I guess this year I will keep my job. Ha!
I LOVE you so much and can’t wait to see you for real life… 
your momma
Mom: I just sent you your flight information. I feel like crying.  It was so good to see and talk to you Sunday for Mother's Day but then I was so sad the rest of the day.  My heart hurt and I am ready to have my son home!!!  

Can you please send a group e-mail and some pictures.  It helps all of us so much and that is what I would like for my birthday please...

Cam: SWEET!  What are you going to do for your birthday.

Mom: Probably teach Sunday school and cook Sunday dinner. ha!  The older I get the less exciting it gets... ugh!

Cam: ha!  What do you think about me getting my CNA and then going to school for radiology? 

Mom: I think you should.  It seems like a long time and it is not that it isn't but time passes regardless.  Your future and life is longer than the years in college.  Make it so you are happy and your family is provided for without more stress and time away from home than needed.  It is never easy and hard work is part of it.  A mission is the hardest thing ever and you've done that.  You can do anything.  If and when there is curves in the road you deal with them.

Cam:  OK, will you look into all of it and sign me up or whatever.

Mom: Ok, I will do what I can tonight.  I am proud of you Cameron.  Thank you for always being such a good boy and loving your mom.  Heavenly Father knew I needed you and I am so thankful he did!

Cam: Thanks, love you, gotta go. Happy Birthday on Sunday mom you deserve it, love you to the stars and back, hope it's the best day ever.

Mom: I love you son.  Thank you!  That was the best gift ever from you besides you being born and July 27th!

April 31, 2018

Hey everyone, This week was good.  It was a lot of work but sadly none of them went to church so we were a little sad with that. Transfers were today and we both stayed here so we will be able to work with them a little more, and help them with theses things. Stake conference was yesterday and it was great! So many great talks and great people.  I love you all!

(an e-mail Cameron sends to Becky Bown to put in a letter that she includes updates on all of those boys that are serving right now. I guess I need to be one of the buds to get more information than I do... ha!)
Hey Guys,
So things have been good around here in Aracaju, Sergipe.  We have been working really hard but we haven't been having the best success.  I am here with Elder Duarte from Sao Paulo.  I like him a lot and we get along good so that is good.  We did a devotional for the stake with all the missionaries of the zone about Jesus Christ.  It went so awesome and the spirit was so strong and the members loved it.  This week was stake conference and Elder Adukitis from the 70 came and talked.  It was great.  He talked so good and I needed to hear it all.  Today is transfers but I am staying here in Siqueira Campos with Elder Duarte. I am starting the last two transfers of my mission.  It is crazy how fast time passed.  Love all you guys!
May 7, 2018

This week was good.  Dad worked his behind off in the yard.  Yesterday we went to Nedra Secrist’s to get some flowers.  Then, he and I worked in the yard.  I sprayed out the garage and I bet there was enough dirt to fill up the garbage can.  I hope we can get the hot tub pad and awning done before you get home. 
Cute Madi Valcarce is here.  She is Annie and Halle’s friend.  She is so cute.  I can’t wait until you meet her.  She is in between them in age. 
Sommer’s wedding was last night.  She looked sooo beautiful!  She married Craig Barfuss from Tremonton.  His mom is Jona that I drove to school with for 2 years.  It was fun to see her and the last time I saw him he was much younger.  They are moving to Idaho Falls for an internship he has.  She is really worried about her dad and all the farm work.  He told me the only thing keeping him going is July 24th!  I said, me too!!!
Carly Anderson’s wedding was Friday night.  She married Ty Barber.  His nieces are triplets in my class and they were the flower girls. 
So pretty much worked my butt off around the house and went to weddings by myself.  Saturday night I went to irrigate with dad on his lunch at 9 at night.  He showed me how to start a tube and I about went in the ditch with that tube.  No wonder you both have muscles.  I told Bonnie Robinson today at church she is the woman!!!
Marge had us to dinner after church today.  Dad and I were sustained in our new calling.  All the kiddos are excited for us to be the teacher of Sunday school.  Latisha cried some tears to leave and I cried some to leave young women’s but it is all good. And we know how much all the kiddos will miss her.  She is a legend and it will be hard to live up to her title!
I think I am going to sale my Pilot and get a car.  I can’t remember if I told you this or not.  I will pay cash for a new car though.  I am not going to have a car payment. 
Next week the Ellsworths are staying with us Monday through Wednesday.  We will have to get them to school etc. and Oliver will stay with dad.  Ha!  That will be fun for both of them.  That kid is a hoot!!!  You will totally love him when you meet him.  He said he is playing with you every day.  
Nelsons have started building.  They got two new labordoodles yesterday.  They are cute but just look like labs right now.  Ryan is living out here in the trailer right now and loving it.  I guess they’re all going to join him at the end of May when they close on their house. 
Darius is moving down to BYU in June.  He has to pay to live there June, July, and half of August because he isn’t a true college student until then.  I guess his living quarters are pretty amazing and nice.
Bott didn’t come for his visit today.  Kinda miss the turkey.
I  love you so much and I hope you have a great week and you are so excited to see your family and especially your mama bear!!!
 Talk to you soon…
Cam: Hi mom, sounds like a fun week.
Mom:  Tell me about three things about your week please.
Cam: Lets see, we have 6 missionaries living in our house now so it's a party. They had demons in their house.  It was a real thing and the pres. told them they needed to get out of there.  They told me some of the stories and it freaked them out. I did a division with Elder Saldamha from Rio de Janeiro he is so funny and cool it was a blast!  I sold my suit to a missionary.  I want to buy a new one to come home in and some new shoes.
Mom:  I don't know if I wanted to know that. yikes!  What did you decide about your college classes?  I don't just dare choose for you.  You may have to take what is left at this point but I am sure there is something you need.  
Cam:  I think I want to do Radiology. Can you look into what I can do to get a CNA?
Mom:  Of course.  Do what you want to do Cam.  Time passes regardless.  Your mission is proof you can do hard things and then the time is gone and you don't want regrets.  Give it all you've got.  Your life with your family will be the most important thing so make what you have to do the best you can and enjoy.  You're a good boy and will do good things.  Dad and I will always be here to do what we can to help you.
Cam:  Thanks mom.  Have a good week.  I love you and will talk to you on Sunday!!!

Monday, April 23, 2018

April 23, 2018

Hey everyone so this week was fun! I got to do a division with Dunn that was way fun. We took some trail and ended up in a way cool place we caught some crabs and the tried to get coconuts. It was the best division ever, hahahahahaha. Some kid made me a crown in his primary and gave it to me. He is the coolest little kid ever. His name is Pedro Henrique he's awesome. I have a total of 92 days left so that is crazy! Dunn and I bought matching ties for the conference and we have matching gold chains. Just stuff like that to make the mission fun. love and miss you all​

Elder Cameron L. Jensen,

How was your week? I was so upset I missed when Cliseanne tried to "whatsup" me.  She sent cute pictures of you though.  

So let's see on Monday after school the girls and I went over to Logan.  Halle had a dermatologist appointment.  We asked grammy to go too.  We went to the doctor and then went to the mall. Halle needed new pants because she got dress coded on a pair she has holes in.  Annie needed to get her and her MORP date shirts because the dance was last night.  Then, we went to Kneaders for dinner.  We came home and Andrew had spent two hours at our house doing homework and dad had loaded cows for to sale.

Tuesday the girls started cheer practice.  Teresa Wyatt asked me to work like a Saturday a month for her so I stopped at TreeBee and chatted with her.  Dad was on swings and goes through the weekend because he starts weekends this week.  I had a camp meeting at Jenny's house. Ashley Reeder left early to go to home so Jed could play basketball for the city league.  He ended up breaking his leg really bad.  He had to go in the ambulance and then had surgery on it at LDS hospital.  His foot was just dangling and even going the wrong way.  I took them dinner last night with Joanna.  

Wednesday not too much happened.  Young Women's was a dance night with Corinne 1st ward.  Since dad worked I just didn't go. Annie didn't want to go either.  Halle stayed home from hers to do homework.

Thursday Annie worked.  Halle and I were home.  I picked her up from cheer since Annie had to go straight to work.  

Friday Halle went to Sami's right after school.  Annie worked and so did dad.  I washed the Pilot and got gas so Annie could use on Saturday for date to the zoo and Morp dance oh and Ogden dinner.  These dates are just a bit crazy.  I cleaned the house and listened to "The Greatest Showman" music.  It is a movie(musical) that just came from the theaters on to dvd and etc.  Even the guys like it.  

Saturday Todd Jensen put a lot of work into getting a reunion put together for Great Grandpa Jensen's 110th birthday.  We ate lunch, took pictures, and they went to see houses that their family had lived in but we came home because dad had work.  People came out and dad gave horse carriage rides and people rode the 4 wheelers. Annie had MORP.  They went to the zoo and Chick Filet.  Then they got pictures, went to Ogden to eat, and then went to the dance and then Amelia Coles house.  Annie had a great time and Mallorie took Brock.  Dad didn't get home until 4am because of like 4 different situations.  

Sunday when he got home at 4am I told him I would teach his primary class and he said no I will be there.  Well, we woke up and all got ready and dad was out cold.  I turned his phone off and left him a note that if he didn't show up, I would teach his class.  He text towards the end of sacrament and took me up on in and went back to bed for another hour.  Mandy (bishop's wife) sat in with me so I wasn't alone.  For the laurels and priests President Steed came and talked about patriachal blessings.  We came home and ate and ran down to see the new baby colt before dad left for work.  She is so cute.  I sent you pictures.  I feel like she looks like a giraffe with her long legs... ha!  Bott visited today.  Shad text me to see if we got your travel information.  He flies in from San Diego on the 24th.  Briar's family got his information for the 18th.

Candace said you invited them out on Mother's Day.  That was nice of you and they have never have came to skype you yet.  We told Brock to stop by and Andrew and Chance too. It will feel so good to know this is it and the next time we see you it will be in person!!!

It was a good day at church.  Devin and Ryan spoke and did a great job.  Carson Lancaster and Neila Mortensen did too and they did a great job too.  Andrew came out and did some homework.  We ate some asparagus today.  Do you remember what that tastes like?  

I had to hack into your gmail account to get your USU password reset and after all this I found the paper in your room yesterday.  So I changed your gmail password to the same as your LDS email.  I think you should look into International Business.  You basically have a lot of the requirements done.  You will need to take a math placement test when you get home for math.  If you still remember it your 1050 class will work and if not you have to start over. They have your USU account on hold because of orientation.  They said mission presidents usually let you have time to do it on the computer but I can just do it for  you too.  What would you rather?  I need to get your registered by the end of this month though.  Good thing I started early.  I thought it would just take a few minutes.  Dad had me put in for the UHP scholarship again for you.  It doesn't hurt to try.  

I love you son!  I hope you are smiling and making the best of the next few months.  You will never get the opportunity to do this part of your life again and it will be one of the more influencial and important parts.  Time has to pass whether we are positive or not.  I am glad you have so much love for the people there and that they can count on you.  You are my little baby skunk!

Love ya lots!

Mommm, mommy, mom, momma, MOM

Mom:  Where are you Cam?  I am starting to worry...  O.K., I started a long time ago but now it is getting serious... How was your week?

Cam:  Hi, I am here now.  Sorry, I was getting my hair cut and playing basketball.  My week was really good!

Mom: Finally!  Can you tell me 3 things about why this week was so good?

Cam:  I did divisions with Dunn, worked hard, and had fun doing it!

Mom:  Well, I like that information!

We continued talking about college and etc.  blah.... blah...

Cam:  I love you mom.  I have to go now.

Mom: I love you Cam.  I am proud to be your mom.  Be careful and have a good week!

Thursday, April 19, 2018

April 16, 2018

Hey Elder Jensen,

This week we only had 2 days of school. Tuesday the 2nd grade went on a walking field trip to the park. Kyra is my intern so she came. It was good. I spent Monday and Tuesday cleaning, doing laundry, and packing for out Texas trip. Last spring break didn’t feel so weird when we went to St. George with Craynor girls but this spring break my heart was sure missing a child.

It was fun! My favorite thing was Magnolia Market. Chip and Joanna Gaines a cute Christian family with 4-5 kids and one on the way buy houses and flip them. They made it big on HGTV and have a market in Waco that’s famous. We saw Cole Curtis family there... Ha! The chances?!?!  We saw Jeff and Jenny Adams and Vicki and Sabrina Burt at the Alamo.  Crazy...  River Ward, Spring Break...

Dad is working hard as always.  He really seems to do a lot more on the farm than he use to but he enjoys it and I think grandpa appreciates all he does.  There are baby calves and they are so cute.  It was nice to have your dad for 5 days and just enjoy his company with the girls.  We all get caught up in life and it felt good to just hang.  EXCEPT we all talked about you and missed you very much!

Grammy took Reeses and I think will hate to see him go. I wish should get a dog. Bott is staying at the house. 

Marge is doing better from surgery. That’s good news! Grammy seems to be doing better from shingles too! Both grandpas are good and still silly.

We have a Jensen family reunion and genealogy day next Saturday. I hope it turns out ok.

Let me know if Vitor needs anything he isn’t telling me about. I’ll feel better when all this works out... Hopefully soon!

I’ve started with your college stuff but with a short week last week, didn’t accomplish a lot.

I love you and miss you soooo much! Keep a positive attitude because it not only effects you but those you are with and come in contact with! I love you to the moon!  I love the gospel and I have a testimony that this church is the only true church!!!


Cameron:  This week I don't have much time so I will just be able to send this email.  This week we had zone conferences and I had to give a training with Elder Duarte about marking baptism to like 60 missionaries.  It went well.  Then, Thursday night we met with the stake president to talk about things we are going to do to strengthen the stake and all that stuff.  It went well.  Later we had karyoke for a ward activity and I sang.  HA!HA!HA! Me and another missionary sang Paradise by Cold Play and The Baby by Justin Beiber. Everybody loved it.  We had a missionary devotional last night that went really well.  Love you!  Sorry for the short time.  Have a good week!

Mom:  I love you Cam!  Why so fast and short?

Cam: It is zone p-day and we are going to play basketball and sports.

Mom:  Oh fun!  Where do you play?

Cam:  At the church.

Mom:  What do you think of the new bishopric?

Cam:  The new bishopric is cool.

Mom:  Ya, I am happy! Bott stayed here while we were gone.  He's a good boy.  He will be such a great and faithful husband to some lucky gal.  I miss you and I can't wait until the next time I am at the airport because it will be to hug you!

Cam:  YEP! 99 days today!

Mom:  Oh, how that day is going to be a happy day!  I talked to Vitor a bit yesterday.  We are just waiting for his eligibility for the NAIA but as far as the college, everything is a go as soon as this is taken care of.  Do you still talk to him?

Cam: I talk to him all the time.

Mom:  Is he doing o.k.?

Cam: Ya, it is just hard here in Brazil.  It isn't like home.  I hope he can have a better future.

Mom:  I'm trying and doing what I can Bubba.

Cam:  I know and thank you!

Mom:  I told you I would help him as much as I could because it meant so much to you.  I LOVE you and moms do that.  I kinda love that kiddo too.  I am going to drive to school.  I will see if you are still on when I get there.  I love you and have a great week son!

Cam: I love you too.